Trias Ia,b,c, Verdú Ma,b, Rodón Nb, Román Rb, Orellana Ra, Barrios Pc y Puig Xa,b,c
a Histopat Laboratoris, b Biopat, Biopatología Molecular S.L., SCIAS, Grup Assistència, Barcelona, España, c Hospital de Barcelona, SCIAS, Grup Assistència, Barcelona, España.
A 60 year old female with a family history of ovarian and breast cancer underwent a follow-up laparoscopic exploration which revealed peritoneal implants and mucinous deposits on the appendicular surface. The peritoneal implants were diagnosed as serous carcinoma with a characteristic immunophenotype, while the mucinous material was acellular. KRAS and BRAF mutation studies with PCR showed a GD12 mutation in the mucinous component only, suggesting the presence of a synchronous carcinoma. Subsequent cytorreductive surgeryconfirmed the presence of an infiltrating appendicular mucinous adenocarcinoma, synchronous with the peritoneal infiltrating serous carcinoma. We believe that this case, where the different immunohistochemical and molecular profiles allowed a correct diagnosis of two independent neoplasms, emphasizes the value of molecular studies in routine diagnostic procedure.